Remember a valuation by your lender is not a survey.

Your mortgage provider will request that a valuation survey is completed. This is a condition to your mortgage being approved and is for your lender's purpose; holding no value to the purchaser.

You should arrange for an independent survey to be completed.

The age of the property and the condition will determine what type of survey would be most beneficial.  

Residential Valuation 


Your local RICS Regulated Chartered Surveyor and Registered Valuer will compile evidence to confirm what they believe the subject property to be worth. This report is more comprehensive than that offered by a local estate agent or lender as they consider a broader range of factors.

The surveyor is impartial and full justification is provided within the report.

An independent valuation report is required for the following purposes; 

  • Help to buy scheme 
  • Marital dispute
  • Corporation Tax
  • Staircasing
  • Re-mortgage
  • Shared ownership 

If you have any questions and would like to discuss this survey in greater detail. Please do contact our office.

Homebuyers Report Level 2

The Homebuyer Level 2 survey provides a valuation, reinstatement figure and comments on the property's condition. 

The inspection comrprises of an internal and external inspection of the building fabric to highlight any remdial treatment that may be required upon purchase.  This information allows the purchaser to plan accordingly for all repairs that are required to ensure the property remains intact and to prevent any deterioration to the building.


This survey is appropriate for properties that have been constructed for no more than 80 years, and has not been structurally altered.


A pre-purcahse report consists of a vishual inspection that provides impartial advice on any action that may be needed prior, and after purchase.

Homebuyers Survey level 3 (formerly known as the Building Survey)

The Homebuyers Survey Level 3 is referred to as the most comprehensive report, including a thorough inspection and detailed description based on the inspection of the property both internally and externally.


Aimed at properties built before the 1930s or properties that have been structurally altered.

The Homebuyers Survey Level 3 aims to allow you to make a reasoned and informed decision when purchasing the property. It can aid when planning for repairs, maintenance or upgrading the property.


Where practicable and agreed, give an estimate of costs for identified repairs and make recommendations as to any further actions or advice that need to be considered before committing to the purchase.


The report follows an easy to read format. We often find more serious age related defects on older properties such as roof spread, wet or dry rot, bulding of the wall surface and structural inadequacies that require immediate remidial treatment to ensure the property is mortgageable.




Six of the most common Q&A's


What is an "MRICS" Chartered Surveyor?

To become an MRICS surveyor, you are categorised by the Royal Institute of Charted Surveyors to confirm your level of competency. It is a requirement that you hold an RICS accredited degree along with ten years of experience; this could be within surveying, construction, civil engineering or building engineering.

Our partners are all MRICS certified holding no less than 15 years of experience and knowledge.


My lender has completed my survey, do I need another one?


Yes. As a mortgage applicant, you must ensure that the lender's valuation is completed. Unfortunately, this can come at a cost to the applicant.


Your lender's report is significantly different from a survey that you will instruct independently. The information is limited and solely for the lender's purpose. Your lender is looking to confirm that the property exists, it is worth what is being paid out, and will continue to be in normal market conditions.


It is of no surprise that the valuation can be as long as 5 minutes, after all, they are solely confirming the property exists.

How much does an RICS Homebuyer Report cost?

The fee for any survey is determined on the size of the property, and we quote originally from the amount that has been accepted by the vendor. Residential and commercial reports do differ, if you are purchasing a commercial property, the will incur an additional fee as additional factors need to be considered when compiling the report.

What equipment does a surveyor use?

The standard kit for a surveyor comprises of a damp meter, binoculars, torch and a 3-meter telescopic ladder accompanied with over 15 years plus knowledge and experience.

 Should I use my lender to provide my additional survey?


Would you instruct a car dealership to highlight defects with your car before you purchase?

An independent survey is impartial, acting solely on your behalf to ensure the property is a worthy purchase to yourself. The report is based exclusively on the property condition. Depending on the level of report, your local Chartered Surveyor will be on-site for 90 minutes plus. Inspecting the property internally and externally highlighting defects and maintenance considerations.

Your independent survey will provide you with an overview of on-going repair work and associated costs that may be necessary after purchase.


What is an RICS Valuation Report?

An RICS Valuation Report is used to confirm the actual value of your property. This type of report adheres to the Redbook standard and undertaken by a Registered Valuer who is a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.


The surveyor will compile their evidence in a report format, providing all justification and comparable data. This type of document is legally binding and can be used in a court of law, should this be necessary.


You may need a Residential Valuation for the following reasons;

Divorce Settlement

Help to Buy schemes


Housing association
